Art Bio

Museum Press Releases etc.

Kitchen Press Release for Pil show

Museum of Modern Art Press Release 1992

Museum of Modern Art "Urban Focus/New York"

One Man Show at London's ICA

Selected Screenings One man shows indicated by *

Projects Video XXX Urban Focus/New York, MOMA N.Y. 12/79
Institute of Contemporary Art, London 11/81 & 1984 *
Video: New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles, Seibu Museum, Toyko 5/80
Lenbachhaus, Munich 5/80
Kunsthaus, Zurich 9/80
the Kitchen, N.Y. 1/81 *
Lieux de Relations, Lyon 10/81 *
AFI National Video Festival, 6/81
Contemporary Music Festival, Lugano 10/82
A.R.C. Toronto, Canada 12/82 *
San Serbastian Festival, 1982
Spazio Zero, Rome 5/82
Return/Jump; Three Years of Video, the Kitchen 10/82,
Studio Sonora, Ravenna, Italy 5/82 *
New Music New Video, the Gallery, Stratford, Canada 9/83
Pittsburgh Filmakers 11/83 *
Time Based Arts, Amsterdam 5/84 *
Baskerville-Watson Gallery, International Show N.Y. 7/84
Hallwalls, Buffalo 11/84 *
Grapevine Arts Center, Dublin 5/84 *
Long Beach Museum of Art, Video: a Retrospective 1974-84
Meet the Makers, Donnell Library 4/84 *
Music Video: the Industry and its Fringes, MOMA N.Y. 9/85
Center for Photography, Woodstock N.Y. 2/88
Video: Two Decades, MOMA N.Y. 10/92

Selected Bibliography

O'Connor, John, "TV: Soho Programs on Video Art", New York Times 6/4/79
Shore, Michael, Video Rock, Soho Weekly News, 3/5/80
Van Sinderen, Wim, "Dougherty Drop" Vinyl, 7/84
Zeichner, Arlene, "New York Art Tracks", Village Voice 5/15/84
Mifflin, Margot "Auteur Theory Of Music Video" New York Times 1/20/91

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